Setting an image as the desktop wallpaper

You can select any image and set it as the Windows desktop wallpaper. You can also automatically stretch a wallpapered image to fill the screen, or restore your previous wallpaper.

To set an image as the desktop wallpaper:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Manage mode, select an image, and then click Tools | Set Wallpaper.
    • In View mode, click Tools | Set Wallpaper.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Centered: Places the image in the center of the screen. If the image is larger than the screen, it is shrunk to fit.
    • Tiled: Places the image in a tiled pattern that fills the entire desktop.
    • Stretched: Stretches the image to fit the screen.

The selected image is saved as ACD Wallpaper.bmp in the Windows folder. ACDSee 12 automatically changes the wallpaper settings in the Control Panel Display properties to display the image.

To automatically stretch wallpapered images to fit the screen:

  1. Click Tools | Options.
  2. In the Options dialog box, click General.
  3. On the General page, select the Automatically stretch wallpaper to fit screen check box.
  4. Click OK.

To display the previous wallpaper:

Click Tools | Set Wallpaper | Restore.

See also:

Setting an image as the desktop wallpaper